Rol Tablas

Random Creature Customizer

Adding some customization and signature details can make the fights much more interesting for your players. What if instead of fighting against an orc you fight against a sick and contagious orc? What about if it’s covered in blood? Image credit: Perplexing Ruins Use the table below to add specific characteristics to the creatures in […]

Rol Tablas

20 Random Events in Towns and Cities

Sometimes towns and cities can be more dangerous than a dungeon. (Image credit: ) Roll a d20 and get your random event: The town mayor is about to get punished and executed in the town square for unclear reasons A group of local villagers accuses the characters of being devil worshippers A two headed […]

Rol Tablas

Generador de 100 Objetos Terroríficos

Tabla generadora de objetos extraños para utilizar en tus partidas con ambientación de terror. Tira 1d100 o elige la que más te guste.  * Ilustraciones a cargo de Perplexing ruins 1. Una pequeña caja de madera con tres dientes en su interior.  2. Un yelmo con una extraña forma puntiaguda. 3. Una máscara hecha con […]